The spread of Hepatitis worldwide.
The liver is also known as a silent organ, because the majority of infections are asymptomatic until the hepatitis outbreak. Global Overview: 80% of primary liver cancer is caused by chronic hepatitis B. Each year, about 1.2 million people die from hepatitis B-related chronic liver diseases.
Asia: This region carries the highest incidence of Hepatitis B, carriers of Hepatitis B accounts to about 10 percent of the total population, or more than 100 million people. In South East Asia, each year about 25 million deaths are caused from liver diseases, and there are many more patients who suffer from long-term liver infection and diseases.
China: The country has the highest ranking with people infected with HBV, about 120 million people (about 1 out of 12 people is infected), and around 30 million people suffer from chronic type Hepatitis B.
Taiwan: Liver cancer is ranked number 2 in the top 10 cancer caused deaths. Every year, 7 to 8 thousand people die due to lung cancer, and Hepatitis B carriers is calculated at 3 million people (average of 1 out of every 7 people is a carrier).

Significant difference of micronutrients found in Hepatitis B carriers and healthy people.
Clinical studies show that the micronutrients status changes in carriers or patients of viral hepatitis, such as the rise in oxidative stress, the rise in percentage of heavy metals and microelements. These symptoms reduce the body’s immune, anti-oxidize and anti-virus abilities, which therefore, affect the cure rate.
Related studies show that, carotenoids, folate, vitamin B2, vitamin B12, vitamin C, iron, zinc, copper, selenium and other micronutrients have immune ability, and also affect the patient’s susceptibility for infectious diseases and cure rate.
Therefore, Hepatitis B patients can take supplement externally to replenish the micronutrients status, which may decrease side affects of Hepatitis B therapy, also improving the cure rate.

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Christine Huang

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